The first thing I want to say is that THERE IS A COMMENT BY OURCLASSMATE AND FRIEND NURIA from Italy!! It is on the previous entry. Below the text, just click on "1 comentario" to read it. She is wishing you luck.
This week we have been learning what reported speech is. I know it was a lot in a short time, but I'll be happy if you know what it is, and even more if you can use it somehow.
If you need more practice apart from the workbook, here you have some examples of sentences
More sentences
Mixture of speech acts
Other things we learnt this last week was how to write a covering letter. We were reading Loli's, which was very well done. Loli, you would just have to complete the company's address, as you didn't write the post code and the city. Here you all can see it. On the second page, if you have a look, she forgot to write "be". This is a passive sentence.
As we did not have enough time in class to study passive voice, I am uploading here a power point presentation I did for my last year students in the second course. I think it will be easy for you.
Passive voice
View more presentations from mariaelenatapia.
Here you have the speaking activity we did in class.
See you next Tuesday at 15.30 in room 4 to do the reading, listening and writing tests. Good luck everybody!
It has been a great pleasure to have you as students... but this is not a good-bye! I hope to see you round the school next year, you studying the first course of Advanced level! I really wish you luck.